Cecilia Woloch is a poet, writer, teacher and traveler based in Los Angeles but "on the road" across the U.S. and Europe six months each year. She has published essays, reviews and six award-winning collections of poems — most recently Earth (Two Sylvias Press, 2015) and Carpathia (BOA Editions, 2009). Her second collection, Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem, was published in French translation (Tzigane, le poème, Gitan, Scribe-l'Harmattan, 2014) and has been adapted for multi-media performances in the U.S. and Europe. She collaborates regularly with musicians, dancers, visual artists, theater artists and filmmakers, and conducts workshops for writers around the world. The founding director of Summer Poetry in Idyllwild, The Istanbul Poetry Workshop and The Paris Poetry Workshop, she has also served on the faculties of a number of graduate and undergraduate creative writing programs.