- Desktop Publishing Production
Quale Press LLC provides an array of electronic publishing services including: formatting copy, converting documents, developing style sheets and templates, and page layout.
- Editorial Services
Need your copy fine tuned or proofed? Need someone to translate your ideas into words? Quale Press LLC can furnish you with the editing, writing and proofing services you need to ensure that your publication or document is saying what you want it to say in the best way possible.
- Prepress Output
Quale Press LLC delivers PDFs and hardcopy proofs ready to be printed by any commercial printer.
- Project Management/Printing
Need someone to manage your publishing projects from idea to printed copy? Quale Press LLC will manage your publishing operation, or any aspect of it including vendor searches for competitive quotes, supervising and coordinating production, budgeting, billing advertisers and subscribers, and supervising printing and mailing.
- Consulting & Training
Trying to make sense of electronic and desktop publishing? What equipment (hardware and software) do you need to put out the publications you want to publish? How can you improve your existing publishing set-up and procedures? If you have any of these questions, Quale Press can help you find some cost-effective answers. Consulting only goes as far as how well new procedures and equipment are implemented. Quale Press LLC also offers training in how to use your new desktop publishing system, or how to employ new publishing procedures.
- Design
Quale Press LLC offers the best in text-based graphic design and production services. Come in with ideas on how you'd like your document or publication to look and see those ideas realized. Or work with Quale Press LLC to take rough copy and translate it into a polished creation.
- Text & Graphics Scanning
Take any document and have it scanned and turned into a word processing file with a high degree of accuracy (depending on the quality of the original). Or have your line art or photos scanned into an image file with 300 dpi resolution (higher resolution available).
- Database Publishing Design & Management
Quale Press develops database applications using Access database management software for buyers' guides, directories, catalogs and other database publishing projects.
Current and past clients/projects include:
Production of Civil Engineering Practice, a twice-yearly journal published by the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section/ASCE. Responsible for manuscript review, editing, writing, production, design, advertising sales, circulation maintenance and budgeting. Gian Lombardo, Director of Quale Press, serves as Editor.
Lombardo was also listed as Managing Editor of Test & Measurement Europe, a bi-monthly trade magazine published by Elsevier Business Information in Brussels. Responsible for copy editing and proofing all editorial content, editorial scheduling, page composition, and production. And as Special Projects Editor for Test & Measurement World, a monthly trade magazine published by Cahners Publishing, Lombardo and Quale Press are responsible for design of a database of more than 2,000 companies in over 250 product categories that are listed in TMW's July Buyer's Guide. Lombardo was also the Managing Editor of TMW's Automotive Test Report, a newsletter published ten times a year. Responsible for copy editing and proofing all editorial content, editorial scheduling, page composition, and production.
Quale Press provided production, design and consulting for Transitions Abroad, a bi-monthly consumer magazine on alternative travel.
Production services (page formatting and composition) for instructor’s manuals/auxiliary publications for Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press.
Design and production services for teacher’s textbooks for the Northeast Foundation for Children.
Provided production, design & publishing consulting services for Agni, Ploughshares and the Emerson Review, three literary journals, and Ford-Brown & Co., Publishers, a book publisher of literary criticism.
Alyscamps Press, Paris, France, made use of design, page composition, production services and consulting.
Production and consulting for Equity and Choice, a journal once published by the Institute for Responsive Education. Was responsible for developing production procedures, design and composition.
Writing services for Computer Design and Telecommunications Products+Technology, trade magazines published by PennWell Publishing.

Gian Lombardo, Director
Gian Lombardo has over 35 years' experience in publishing. He received his B.A. from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1980. He majored in Comparative Literature, with concentration in 19th and 20th century Italian and French literatures as well as Old English language and literature. He received his M.A. in Creative Writing from Boston University in 1981, with equal focus on poetry, fiction and translation workshops.
His first editing/publishing position was as Publications Director for the Institute for Responsive Education and Editor of Citizen Action in Education (December 1979 to July 1983). He also served as Publications Director for the National Commission on Resources for Youth and Editor of Resources for Youth, from September 1982 to July 1983. (In September 1982, both organizations merged resources but maintained separate identities.)
From October 1983 to October 1984 he was Editorial Production Manager for Test & Measurement World magazine. In October 1984 he decided to move into publishing on a freelance basis. Using a basis of contacts of businesses and organizations he had worked for, he found new clients for whom he provided copy and substantive editing, production, budgeting, manuscript evaluation, project management and consultation. In May 1988, he took advantage of newly developing desktop prepress technology and founded InText Publishing Services to provide desktop publishing production services, training and consulting as well.
In January 1997, Lombardo reorganized and renamed InText to Quale Press LLC to accommodate a shift to developing publishing projects on his own, as well as providing services to an established base of publishers.
Lombardo is also the author of many poetry books -- Between Islands, Standing Room, Before Arguable Answers, Sky Open Again, Of All the Corners to Forget, Aid & A_Bet and Who Lets Go First. Focusing mainly on writing prose poetry, his work has appeared in such magazines as lift, Iowa Review, Denver Quarterly, Puerto del Sol, Quarterly West, Talisman, The Prose Poem: An International Journal and Verse.
As a creative writer, he has taught workshops on writing prose poetry at the New School of Social Research via the school's Distance Instruction for Adult Learners (DIAL) program and at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. He has also led community-based writing workshops out of his office.
He was Director of the Dolphin-Moon Reading Series from May 1988 to January 1991. Readings were held at the Cambridge YMCA and the Boston University Playwrights' Theater. In addition, he was Director of a reading series at Nucleo Eclettico Theater (Boston, Mass.) from December 1981 to May 1982.
In 1989, he was presented with the President’s Award by the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section/ASCE for his contributions as Editor of Civil Engineering Practice, the society’s twice-yearly journal. In 1998, he also received a Certificate of Appreciation from the BSCES Board of Government for his work on the journal.
Starting in the fall of 2001 Lombardo is also teaching within the Publishing Program in the Writing, Literature and Publishing Department at Emerson College in Boston. Serving as Senior Publisher-in-Residence, he teaches courses on book publishing, magazine publishing, copyediting and desktop publishing. He also served as the Coordinator of Emerson College's Literary Publishing Certificate program, as as president of Emerson College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors from 2018-2020.